Al Ahram

Al Ahram is the most circulated daily newspaper in Egypt, especially its weekend issue. It is a state-owned, Arabic-language publication that distributes an estimated 110,000 copies per day. It is the sole source of many news, decisions and plans of the government, and its employees have relations that allow them access to information and executive officials in the state.
Al Ahram is the most important publication of the Al Ahram Establishment, which counts about 31 publications between newspapers, magazines, periodicals, etc. Al Ahram is the official spokesman for the political authority and its government. Al Ahram was first published in 1876 as a weekly private newspaper. It was founded by the brothers Salim and Bishara Takla, two Syro-Lebanese migrants with close ties to the Egyptian political and commercial elites. At the time, the Khedive of Egypt and Sudan, Ismail Pasha, supported them to launch a publication close to the palace, focused on social issues. On January 3, 1881, Al Ahram became a daily newspaper. It was nationalized in 1952.
Al Ahram’s editor-in-chief is Alaa Thabet. A journalist from the Al Ahram establishment (link to profile), Thabet first served as deputy managing editor of Al Ahram Al Masa'i (2004), then assistant editor-in-chief (2007) and editor-in-chief (2011 to 2012 & 2014 to 2017). He became editor-in-chief of Al Ahram in 2017 and is a board member of Al Ahram establishment. Al Ahram’s CEO is Abdul Mohsen Salama, he was a managing editor of Al Ahram Newspaper and a member of the Al Ahram Establishment Board of Directors. As all state-owned newspapers, and according to the 2018 new media laws, Al Ahram is managed by the National Press Authority which is currently headed by journalist Karam Gabr.
> Read more about State-owned media outlets.
Audience Share
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Media Companies / Groups
Al Ahram Establishment
Ownership Structure
Al Ahram is a state-owned newspaper. As such, it is managed by the National Press Authority.
Voting Rights
Missing Data
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Salim Takla and Bishara Takla, the Takla brothers were two Syro-Lebanese migrants with close ties to the Egyptian political and commercial elites.
Abdul Mohsen Salama, is a journalist at Al Ahram and used to be a managing editor before taking over as the board chairman. He is now the current head of the press sydicate after winning the last union elections in 2016 representing the current Authority
Alaa Thabet, Journalist at the Al Ahram Foundation. He baceme the managing editor deputy of Al Ahram Al Massai in 2004 & the editoe-in-chief assistant in 2007.He also became the editor-in-chief of Al Ahram Al Massai during the preiod between April 2011
Other Important People
Karam Gabr,
is the head of the National Press Authority. As such, he is responsible for the management of all national press institutions in Egypt. He appoints the persons in charge of the state-owned newspapers.
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information
Meta Data
The audience share is an estimate based on the data obtained by Masrawy.
The website provides information on ownership type, management structure, editorial policies and coverage.