El Radio 90 90 FM

El Radio 9090 was launched in 2013. It belongs to the D Media Company that also owns DMC TV channels and Mobtada (https://www.mobtada.com). The radio provides free content. It covers news, political events, social, sports and broadcast religious programs, as well as Egyptian and Arab songs. Mohammed Ali Kheir hosts a political program entitled “Klam Bel Massry”.
Audience Share
Missing Data
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Media Companies / Groups
D Media for Media Production Company
General Information
Founding Year
Tarek Ismail, owns D Media for Media Production Company that owns El Radio 90 90 FM, Mobtada website & DMC channels.
Tarek Ismail, see above.
Sherif Salah, is the Executive Director of Radio 90 90. He was appointed in May 2018 after Tareq Abou Al Saud became Executive Chairman of Nile Radio Network.
Other Important People
Tarek Abu Al-Seaud,
is the predecessor of Sherif Salah, Tarek Abu Al-Seaud became the Executive Chairman of Nile Radio Network in May 2018.
Telephone: 0221810866
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information
Meta Data
There is no information available on the station’s listening rates, but the MOM team could rely on a group of experts who had access to Ipsos surveys before the company closed. According to them, El Radio 9090 FM belang to the ten most popular radio stations in Egypt.