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Global Media Registry

Sada El Balad News

Sada El Balad was launched in 2011. It provides updated daily news content and belongs to businessman Mohamed Abou El Enein (link to the profile), who also owns Sada Al Balad TV channel, which was launched the same year as the website. El Enein is also the CEO of both media outlets, Chairman of Cleopatra Group (link to profile) and former head of the Industry and Energy Committee of the Egyptian parliament.

In 2018, Ahmed Sabry, the head of Sada Al Balad, was summoned in the trial of former 2018 presidential candidate Khaled Al| |n relation to the hand gesture which he was accused of making in a video that appeared on Sada Al Balad. Ali was found guilty of “public indecency” on in September 2017, but Ali's defense is claiming that the video posted on Sada Al Balad website is fabricated and unrealistic.

Key facts

Audience Share

Missing Data

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type


Data Unavailable

ownership data is not publicly available, company/channel denies the release of information or does not respond, no public record exists

1 ♥

Media Companies / Groups

Cleopatra Media Company


Ownership Structure

Sada El Balad belongs to the Cleopatra Group, owned by businessman Mohamed Abou El Enein.

Voting Rights

Missing Data

Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Mohamed Abou El Enein, is the Chairman of Cleopatra Group and the head of the former Industry and Energy Committee of the Egyptian parliament. He was charged in several cases of financial corruption after the revolution, however, was not convicted in any


Mohamed Abou El Enein


Ahmed Sabry, was summoned for the trial of Khaled Ali, the human rights lawyer & former presidential candidate, for a video published by Sada El Balad channel containing a reference considered by the Egyptian law as a dishonor. However, Khaled Ali's defe

Other Important People

Elham Abu El Fath,
Managing Editor of the state-owned Al Akhbar newspaper. He took the responsibility of the general supervisor of Sada Al-Balad news website. Elham Abou El Fath also served as the head of the Sada El Balad channel network, managing director of Cleopatra Media, owned by businessman Mohamed Abu El Enin.


37 Abd El Monaem Riyad Street

El Dokki, 12311 Giza

Phone: 002-02-0233380115

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data

Market Share

Missing Data

Further Information

    Global Media Registry
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