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Global Media Registry

Alaa El-Kahki

Alaa El-Kahki

A prominent businessman in the field of media, El-Kahki is one of the most prominent owners of satellite channels and advertising agencies in Egypt. He owns Trenta for Art Production and Distribution Company and Media Line Advertising Company.

Prior to the 2011 revolution, El-Kahki's activity was mainly focused on advertising for Al Hayah channels through Media Line Company, although he also owns Al Nahar network, a direct competitor to Al Hayah. To avoid further conflict of interests with Media Line, El-Kahki co-founded an advertising agency with businessman Mohammed Al-Amin and another investor, to continue his work with Al Hayah.

However, after the revolution, El-Kahki stopped working with the Egyptian Radio and Television Union (now called the National Media Authority) due to fears of legal accountability, as contracts between private companies signed with Egyptian television came under investigation.

El-Kahki is one of the owners of Egyptian private TV channels (CBC, Al Nahar, Dream TV, On TV, El Mehawr, Al Hayah, El Tahrir, Sada El Balad, El Phareen, Al Kahira we Alnas) who started establishing the chamber of the audiovisual media industry after the fall of the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was elected as a member of the chamber to represent the advertising industry in 2016. His brother Amr El-Kahki was elected as a member of the chamber to represent the management and broadcasting of terrestrial, satellite and radio channels. One of the main reasons for the establishment of the chamber was to confront Ipsos Company, which conducts viewership surveys as Egyptian businessmen believed that the company was biased to channels funded from the Gulf and thus contributes to reducing their advertising profits.

At the conference announcing the establishment of the audiovisual media industry chamber, businessman Mohamed Al-Amin said that: "If the June 30 revolution were only delayed for 4 days, most of those on the podium would now be in detention”, pointing to the owners of the private channels attending the conference, including Alaa El-Kahki and Ahmed Bahgat. Al-Amin was implying that the Muslim Brotherhood government would not allow media to operate freely.

In a press statement in September 2018, El-Kahki denied that there is an offer to buy Al Nahar channels. He confirmed that he does not mind selling Al Nahar network if there is an offer that represents an opportunity for the Egyptian media and in favor of rights’ holders.

No information is available about Alaa El-Kahki’s investments outside the media and advertising sector.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets



Trenta for Art Production and Distribution Company

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Amr El-Kahki (brother)

was Vice Chairman of Trenta Company, and he worked in Al Nahar channels as well. But he moved to work as a program manager at Al Hurra, a US-funded channel that broadcasts in Arabic, in the second half of 2018.

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